Penguins and Plastic
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[Ping] An adventurous penguin who always seems to cause trouble.
[Penny K] Ping's "cool" cousin.
[King M]
[Builder] King M's Builder, who always seems to cause King M trouble.
[Ricardo] Ping and Pe-wee's Dad
[Pe-wee] Ping's little brother.
["Frozen" Pe-wee] After finding an Ice necklace, Pe-wee has become corrupt with Ice Powers.
[Johnny] Penguin City's biggest troublemaker; Hates Penny K with a passion.
[Tyler Titanium "Claws"] Criminal with upgraded arms, legs, and sharp claws.
[Marty Mackerel] This humble criminal uses his tech skills to cause trouble.
[Pen-tron] Penny K's robot doppelganger.
[Commander Condiment]
[PenguinMan] A hero who's after the Robot Pumpkin King.
[Robot Pumpkin King] Crime Boss who leads a group of Robotic Pumpkins.
[Mr. Cookie] CEO of the GPACF; Antarctica's biggest cookie company.